The New Gobbledygook:
A New Zealand Dictionary and Guidebook

by Peter Isaac

208 pages in 210 x 137 mm format, softcovered.
296 gramsISBN 0-908876-15-7

If you've ever read a government press release or report, a recruitment advertisement or management consultant's report and been perplexed by bamboozling language, wondering what they are really saying, you are not alone!
The first part of the book is a dictionary of over 700 words, terms and phrases that now have new, often coded, meanings (plus some that are now outmoded), the second part provides translations of actual advertisments, notices and proclamations!. Simultaneously entertaining and scary, this book is a must-read!
As President of the National Press Club, the author is well placed in the deciphering of the language of government and those who cater to it.
The launch at Dymocks, Wellington: Above: Bruce Caddy, franchisee.
Below: Peter Isaac autographs a copy for a purchaser. (photos by Gail Isaac)
Awful Office Speak
For your entertainment:-
Had the Battle of Trafalgar Happened Today...